The BAR Commander is way weaker than in SupCom or TA, so always protect it Use it when it is safe, but don't risk loosing a commander as it means losing the game in 1v1 or leaving a precious 2500 metal wreck in team games.
As in TA, Commander has a one-hit manual weapon - Dgun (D). Mix your army, remember that every unit in BAR has its counter, always include builders/ rezbots in your front pushing squad for healing, reclaiming, resurrecting and building defenses to claim points of interest and choke points. It features a new UI and advanced controls that give you more power than in any other RTS Here is the general answer to this question: BAR brings back the gameplay of TA with 150+ more units and modern graphics. We are glad that this is what all of you have been looking for.
BAR is descended from a popular mod of Cavedog's Total Annihilation, and the goal was always to continue its magnificent legacy.
We are very happy that our game strikes the same note for you as these.
Total Annihilation (TA) and its spiritual successors, like:. Most people interested in BAR are familiar with games inspired by
If you are new here, welcome! Check the Alpha release news post to find instructions for setting up a single or multiplayer game.Ī frequently asked questions has been: BAR looks like (some) awesome game! What's the difference? We have new players, new streamers and more contributors. In one week our Discord channel has grown by more than 400 members. With more players, we're able to collect feedback and make everything better. You guys are awesome! We have seen many positive comments so far. We are astounded with the encouraging reception of BAR in its Open Alpha stage. Construction Sub.Hello, since the last brief promotion on Reddit, we have seen a major raise in interest with Beyond All Reason. is still able to build the Construction Ship in the Adv. Construction Sub, the Construction Ship could be built in the Adv.
Prior to Total Annihilation: The Core Contingency and the introduction of the Adv. Despite the curious inclusion of the Light Laser Tower in its build list, a Construction Ship will often struggle to get close enough to a shoreline to successfully initiate construction of one, raising questions as to why it's even there in the first place. Construction Sub is unable to build a structure that generates metal, cementing the need for Construction Ships to keep building Underwater Metal Extractors and Floating Metal Makers as the demand for metal grows. Each Construction Ship will passively generate +0.3 metal and +7 energy per tick, in addition to increasing the player's metal and energy storage capacity by 50 each Construction Ships are also equipped with the most powerful nanolathe of all T1 units, but this is usually offset by naval units having higher build times compared to their respective land counterparts.Ĭonstruction Ships are the only practical way to increase metal generation on sea-only maps, as the Commander's heavily reduced underwater speed effectively shuts down its expansion capabilities, and the Construction Seaplane is too far down the build tree to be attainable before needing enough metal to build a fleet adding to this, the Adv. Limited to exclusively building naval structures and towers (and the Light Laser Tower), Constructions Ships are the backbone of any sea-based campaign and absolutely essential on maps where it's either impractical to build units on land, or no land exists to build anything on at all. The Construction Ship is a level 1 naval construction unit that is available to both CORE and ARM factions.